Enda Community Foundation

2019 Call For Applications


Enda is a social enterprise that is building the world’s best running shoes and driving development in Kenya. Pursuant to this mission, we’re calling for applications for support from community development initiatives based in Kenya.

Our mission is to  increase Kenya’s share of the benefits from the running industry. We are doing this in three ways.

  1. We are making running shoes in Kenya thereby creating jobs and expanding local supply chains, resulting in more jobs. We believe that development is about giving people opportunities to make a living which allows them to have agency in deciding for themselves what is best for them.
  2. We are sharing a percentage of our revenues with local communities. We believe that as we grow, so should the community around us. This call for applications is us actualising this.
  3. We want to change the way the world sees Kenya. We do this by providing a window through which the world can see our stories as told by us and on our terms. There’s a lot of negative news out there, but there’s also a lot of positive ones that don’t get told. Through this initiative, we hope to provide linkages between our global Enda community and Kenyans.

In our inaugural mid-2018 grant, we focused on projects that were either run by or impacted youth, women, and people with disabilities, within Nairobi and it’s environs. We received a lot of feedback from our Enda community and based on that feedback, this current 2019 grant will focus on helping running communities in need. The projects that we will support will still be anchored on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Kenya’s Vision 2030, the African Union’s Agenda 2063 and our own organisational objectives and values aimed at an inclusive, equal and just society. 

Consequently, the three priority groups for this call remains youth, women, and people with disabilities in running communities in Laikipia, Kikuyu, Eldoret, Iten, Ngong, Nandi Hills, Kapsabet and Kesses. While we would have loved to cover more areas, these are the areas where we currently have capacity to serve.

Any project that is either run by or impacts these groups that is located in any of the above areas is welcome to apply.


Grants in this round will range from Ksh 100,000 to 222,538. We’ll be looking for projects to which a grant of this size will be of significant scale relative to other funding to date. Please note that in this round of applications, only projects based in Laikipia, Kikuyu, Eldoret, Iten, Ngong, Nandi Hills, Kapsabet and Kesses will be considered. The project must either involve runners directly or the communities in which runners live in. Applications are open from Thursday, 15 August to Thursday, 29 August 2019 (midnight, East Africa Time).



  1. Enda can only provide funding to an organization. Individuals are not eligible to apply.
  2. Enda provides contributions only to registered nonprofit, nongovernmental, community-based organizations, chamas, youth groups or education organizations that are registered and comply with local tax laws. 
  3. Multiple eligible organizations, i.e., a consortium, may apply as a partnership under a single project. The application must, however, be clear on which organization has the lead role and will be receiving the funds. The contract will be signed by the lead organization.
  4. Projects must be based in Laikipia, Kikuyu, Eldoret, Iten, Ngong, Nandi Hills, Kapsabet and Kesses.
  5. Funding is only made towards the defined project. Changes in the project after partial disbursements of the grant must be approved by Enda.
  6. The project must either involve runners directly or the communities in which runners live in. Applications must also relate to women, youth or persons with disabilities.
  7. Funding will be disbursed based on milestone achievements, which will be set at the contracting stage. There is no additional payment available for overachievement. In the event of a delayed milestone, payment will be withheld until the milestone has been achieved.
  8. Organizations must be in good financial and public standing, show evidence of competent management, have low administrative/fundraising expense ratios and manage nondiscriminatory programs benefiting broad segments of the community.
  9. Enda does not tolerate discrimination on the basis of race, religion, sex, color, age, disability, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other characteristic. Grants are eligible to organisations that meet these qualifications and are aligned with our core value of nondiscrimination.

Funds are generally not available for the following:

  1. Additional funds to organisations that have already benefited from funding from Enda.
  2. Individual needs, including scholarships.
  3. Labor or political organizations.
  4. Personal fundraising initiatives.
  5. Travel funds for tours, expeditions or trips.
  6. General and/or ongoing operational support.
  7. Religious groups for religious purposes.
  8. Disease-related causes or research.
  9. Sponsorship, fundraising, special events.


Applications will be accepted from Thursday, 15  August to Thursday, 29 August 2019 (midnight, East Africa Time). All applications must be made online using this form. 

Next Steps

  • Review of applications: September 
  • Announcement of shortlisted projects: 30 September
  • Voting for winner from shortlisted projects: 4 - 11 October
  • Winner Announcement: 4 November

The application questions are as follows:

Prequalification Questions:

  • Does your project serve runners in need or operate in communities where runners are based?
  • Is your organization based in any of these areas: Laikipia, Kikuyu, Eldoret, Iten, Ngong, Nandi Hills, Kapsabet and Kesses.

Application Questions

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Title in organisation
  • Describe your personal motivation for working with this organisation
  • Name of organisation
  • Is your organization registered?
  • Date of registration
  • Organization website & social media accounts
  • Please provide a summary of your organisation’s work
  • Project name.
  • Describe project in one sentence.
  • Is your project new or ongoing?
  • County and province in which project is located
  • What problem does your project aim to solve?
  • How does your organization/project solve the problem?
  • How will the funding from Enda advance your ability to solve the problem?
  • What is the expected project timeline?
  • What is your projected budget (in Kenya Shillings)? Please provide a breakdown of how the project will be implemented and how the money will be spent.
  • What challenges do you anticipate encountering when implementing the project?
  • Are there other organizations doing work similar to your project? How different are you from them?
  • What change will the project contribute towards and for whom?
  • What are the expected results and outputs/deliverables of the project?
  • How many people will be affected by the impact?
  • Describe briefly how you will measure impact